Orange Case Study


Orange Jordan was first registered in 1999 and has grown to become one of Jordan's leading mobile communications networks.


increase in traffic


increase in engaged sessions


return on investment

When Orange came to us with high expectations and a planned migration, we knew we had our work cut out. We needed to be agile and deliver advanced solutions to complex challenges to support them in a critical period. The result? Despite the complex migration and challenging targets, we beat the primary traffic KPI by 180%. Comparing April 2022 to April 2023 with April 2023 to April 2024, we increased first-page keywords by 93% from 2,807 to 5,415 and grew year-over-year engaged organic sessions by 664% from 1,833,622 to 14,017,825. We added an extra $1.8 million in organic revenue in one year. Our team went above and beyond to deliver an impressive return on investment for the client of 2,802%.


  • Performed a Subdomain Migration ( >
  • Implemented correct hreflang and canonical tag structures
  • Created engaging user experiences in both English and Arabic
  • Conducted organic link-building outreach

We coordinated extensively with the Orange IT team to prepare for the client's migration. However, despite thorough preparation, their development team was not confident in executing the tasks prescribed by our team, and the migration process was delayed. We utilized and Slack automation to streamline the migration process to overcome this. Tasks marked for client action were auto-assigned deadlines, and overdue tasks triggered Slack reminders to the Account Manager to follow up with the client’s developer team. Additionally, as a subsidiary under the guidance of Orange Global, the client required global team approval for many crucial setups, including privacy and security measures, which hindered our ability to take quick action. To overcome this, we prepared Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), complete with screenshots and detailed instructions, to guide the global team on how to complete these setups.

“We enlisted the help of SEO Sherpa to execute our migration and increase our organic revenue. In our first year together, they have increased our organic revenue by 48%. Overall, we are very happy that we have seen our targets for revenue hit and surpassed."

Mohammed Tantash

Senior Marketing Leader
Orange Jordan

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